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No Problem! An Easy Guide to Getting What You Want (PB)

by Ken Watanabe
艾伯特(Albert)想學電腦動畫,但是他沒有電腦;琪維(Kiwi)想參加巴西的足球營,但是她負擔不起費用;雷得(Rad)、麗塔(Rita)和雷米(Remi)組了一個搖滾樂團,但是他們需要更多的樂迷。這些孩子們將如何實現他們的夢想呢? 解決問題吧!
作者渡邊謙以這本適合青少年的國際暢銷書籍,透露出如何得到每個人心中的願望,再加上埃爾伍德‧史密斯(Elwood Smith)活潑的畫風,激勵孩子們使其向上,不要灰心。
Albert wants to learn computer animation—but he doesn’t have a computer.
Kiwi wants to go to soccer camp in Brazil—but she can’t afford it.
Rad, Rita, and Remi have started a rock band—but they need more fans.
How will these kids achieve their goals? By problem-solving!
In this young readers’ adaptation of an international bestseller, author Ken Watanabe reveals the secrets to getting what you want. Techniques like goalsetting, brainstorming, and strategizing—essential for any kid’s success—are enlivened by Elwood H. Smith’s hilarious drawings. This motivational book is a must-have for any kid eager to make it to the top.

